Oasis Ventures
Ponzi Scheme
Ponzi Scheme

Oasis Ventures

  • Crypto
  • Asset Management
1-2 years

Current Rating


Industry Tier



Oasis Ventures is a financial institution specializing in cryptocurrencies and digital currencies, providing users with comprehensive financial and investment solutions. It claims to be headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain but is unverifiable and has not disclosed specific information. The transparency of the broker's information is poor, and its credibility is extremely low.

Corporate Registration Information and Regulatory Status:

The information displayed on the official website of Oasis indicates that the institution is headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain, but specific registration information including the registration address, registration date, and registration number are neither disclosed nor searchable. No other regulatory information for verification is provided.

According to the information obtained from Whois, the broker's official website domain was registered on December 2, 2023, and as of January 15, 2024, the broker has only been established for one and a half months.

Headquarter Address

Website Registration Time

Account Opening:

The broker's official website does not provide an account opening entrance nor explain how to open an account.

Account Information:

Oasis Ventures has not published the specific account types it offers on its official website, only providing three user levels without a detailed description of the service differences of each level.

Account Information

Trading Platform:

Oasis Ventures has not disclosed the trading platforms it offers on its official website.

Deposits and Withdrawals:

Oasis Ventures has not disclosed the supported deposit methods, fees, or minimum deposit and withdrawal amounts on their official website. They only announced the withdrawal method, where the funds deposited on the platform are converted into the proprietary currency OUSD, and withdrawals as PUSD will be converted into the cryptocurrency Tether.



Oasis Ventures offers a total of four fund products, which only differ in terms of data.

Product 1

Product 2

Contact Information:

Oasis Ventures only provides two modes of contact, Twitter (X) and Telegram, both of which are relatively passive and inefficient. They do not provide any phone numbers, email addresses, or online customer service.

Contact Information


Traderknows reminds investors that Oasis Ventures is a scam company without effective regulation. Its deposit and withdrawal methods are unclear, contact methods are singular, business is singular and non-transparent, and has not disclosed how to open an account and related requirements.

Traderknows advises investors to stay away from Oasis Ventures when selecting a platform to invest and to instead choose one with transparent information, strong regulation, and a good reputation for investment activities to avoid unnecessary financial losses.

Currently, this broker is marked as a "Ponzi Scheme" on Traderknows.

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