
Daily Market Review: May 14


The foreign exchange market is highly interconnected, with every event meriting investors' attention and analysis.

Financial Calendar

May 14 (Tuesday) Data and Financial Events (Beijing Time)

14:00 Germany April CPI Monthly Final Value

UK March Three-Month ILO Unemployment Rate

UK April Unemployment Rate

UK April Jobseeker's Allowance Claimant Count

17:00 Germany May ZEW Economic Sentiment Index

Eurozone May ZEW Economic Sentiment Index

18:00 US April NFIB Small Business Optimism Index

20:30 Canada March Wholesale Sales Monthly Rate

US April PPI Annual Rate

US April PPI Monthly Rate

21:10 Federal Reserve Governor Lisa Cook to Speak

22:00 Federal Reserve Chairman Powell and ECB Executive Board Member Knot to Attend Meeting


04:30 US Up to May 10 Weekly API Crude Oil Stock

Market Review

On Monday, Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Jefferson pointed out that the momentum of inflation decline has weakened, and it is appropriate to maintain the policy interest rate in the tightening range. Meanwhile, the April New York Fed survey showed that the 1-year inflation expectation rose to 3.26%, from a previous value of 3%. As the one-year inflation expectation exceeded expectations, the US dollar index initially fell then rose, narrowly holding above the 105 threshold, and finally closed at 105.21.

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Today's Focus

US Dollar Index: Short-term support remains unchanged in the 104.9-105.1 range, with a retraction not breaking this range suggesting continued attention to recovery strength. Resistance above is focused on the previous downward structure around the 105.8 area, with the market not breaking through this indicating a further decline. For operations, a second drop not breaking the 105 area today can be treated as a short buying opportunity.

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Euro/US Dollar: Short-term trend continues upward without breaking below 1.076, with resistance at the previous high of 1.0815. Short-term market is expected to oscillate narrowly waiting for data direction. Any breakouts during the day should be approached with caution; treat short-term oscillations by selling high and buying low as the primary strategy.

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British Pound/US Dollar: The market has reached the previous high resistance area. Short-term resistance remains unchanged at 1.257-1.261 before breaking through, with potential for a second upward move not breaking short bearish operation advised for the day. Support below is in the previous upward structure 1.244-1.248 range, with bearish goals reached for profit-taking.

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US Dollar/Japanese Yen: The market continues short-term oscillatory upward trend, current resistance above at the 157.5 area. Attention is paid to the market's reaction after testing resistance. For today's operations, consider testing the 155.8-156.1 range for consolidation, followed by a K reversal for ongoing long positions.

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Australian Dollar/US Dollar: Short-term market is oscillating narrowly, focus on trading opportunities after breakouts. Resistance above is at the 0.664-0.667 area, support below at the 0.656-0.658 area. Operations can continue buying low and selling high before an effective breakout, followed by continuation afterwards.

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US Dollar/Canadian Dollar: Prices are oscillating above the 1.365 support area, with the market cautious about chasing short positions before breaking below the 1.353-1.355 area. Short-term attention above to the 1.37 line, with operations to continue narrow oscillation if not effectively breaking above.

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Crude Oil: Prices rebounded after reaching the 77 support area, short-term strong resistance is at the previous breakdown structure around the 81 area. Pay attention to the day's high at 80 suppressing the market, with subsequent operations to rely on resistance area stop-loss for short positions.

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Gold: Short-term market has broken and retested the 61.8% area, with short-term support at 2323-2330. Before effectively breaking below, focus on rebound upward opportunities, with resistance above at the 2378 line. Pay attention today to support not breaking for short buying opportunities.

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S&P Index: Prices are now near previous high resistance area, with short-term support around the 5200 line. The market awaits direction before making a break, with evening focus on Powell's speech and its market impact.

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Bitcoin: Prices continue short-term oscillation, currently focusing on the 59000-60000 support area below and the 66000-67500 resistance area above. Market continues to oscillate before breaking this area. Today's operations can continue to focus on selling high and buying low, with tomorrow night's US CPI data release and its short-term market impact as points of attention.

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The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


Foreign Exchange Trading

Foreign exchange trading is a financial trading activity that seeks profit through the exchange rate differences between different countries' currencies. It is characterized by globalization, high liquidity, and leveraged trading. Participants include central banks, commercial banks, investment institutions, enterprises, and individual investors. However, it also involves potential risks such as market fluctuations and leverage risks.

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