
Is Maxus Global Market a scam broker?


Maxus Global Market claims to have been founded in Australia in 2011 and has branches in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, among other places. But is this really the case? Discover the truth behind Maxus Global Market.

Broker Name: Maxus Global Market

Official Website: https://www.maxusfex.com/en/index

Domain Registration Date: July 23, 2023

Regulatory Status: Unregulated Company


Maxus Company Overview:

Maxus Global Market claims on its official website that the company was established in 2011. However, when checking the company's official website domain, it is revealed that the domain was registered on July 23, 2023. Furthermore, the so-called "US MSB regulation" registration date that the company advertises is also July 23, 2023. This indicates that Maxus Global Market has been in actual operation for less than 2 months, contradicting the claimed operation since 2011.



Is Maxus Global Market a scam?

The broker displays on its official website that it is regulated by the US MSB, but the US FinCEN MSB authorization only pertains to money exchange and transfer operations, and it has no relation to the financial trading services provided by Maxus. In reality, Maxus Global Market is not supervised by any regulatory authority, and users' funds invested in the company do not enter any third-party regulated accounts, making the safety of user funds questionable. Currently, the company is not regulated by any regulatory authority, and its business status is considered illegal.

Trading Software:

Maxus offers users the MT5 trading software, but users should be cautious as Maxus can manipulate client profit and loss data through the MT5 software.

Website Development Technology:

The company's official website is built from a template and shares the same template with two other fraudulent companies, SSJTCF and Cberry, indicating that Maxus Global Market lacks technical personnel and has a roughly constructed website. There is a high probability that it is also a scam.

Cberry WT首页



Contact Information of Maxus Global Market:

On Maxus's official website, only an email address is provided, but this email is not a valid address. If users encounter any problems, they will be unable to contact Maxus.


What should you do If you've been scammed by Maxus Global Market? How to get your money back?

If you have unfortunately been scammed by Maxus, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to recover your assets. The company's personnel are most likely employees operating in scam-prone regions such as northern Myanmar and Cambodia. Recovering funds is extremely difficult. Your best course of action is to promptly provide relevant evidence to law enforcement agencies and warn your friends and family not to fall into the scam trap.


Maxus Global Market is a fraudulent broker that has been in operation for less than 2 months, posing high risks and a potential exit scam threat. Investors should prioritize the safety of their assets and avoid falling victim to this scam.

Risk Warning and Disclaimer

The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


Pig Butchering Scam

The 'Pig Butchering Scam' is a type of financial fraud that originated in Southeast Asia, but has now become prevalent globally. The name stems from the scammers' method of dealing with their victims: similar to raising pigs, they first 'fatten' them by building trust, and then 'slaughter' them by swindling away all their money.


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TraderKnows is a financial media platform, with information displayed coming from public networks or uploaded by users. TraderKnows does not endorse any trading platform or variety. We bear no responsibility for any trading disputes or losses arising from the use of this information. Please be aware that displayed information may be delayed, and users should independently verify it to ensure its accuracy.


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