
The industry's cancer: Exposing how dumpers trample on the boundaries of trading platforms.


Days under the absence of supervision often become "carnival days" for lawbreakers.

In the vast currents of the financial markets, there exists a group of profit-driven individuals who, disregarding ethics and compliance, exploit loopholes in trading platforms to amass illegitimate wealth for themselves.

These individuals, known as "spoofers" or "pumpers," dedicate themselves to illicit gain, employing speculation and manipulation as their means, navigating through various trading platforms. Their goal is to engage in what is known as "pumping" activities through various illicit methods, to garner substantial undue profits.

Such actions not only disrupt the order of the financial markets, causing severe negative impacts, but also inflict significant harm on both regular traders and the trading platforms themselves.

Human nature is inherently selfish and greedy. Greed is not wrong; it's a motivating force for progress. However, unbridled greed often leads to one's downfall, and potentially, the downfall of the entire industry involved.

Recently, a group led by an individual known as "Gold Player" has been actively engaged in pumping activities across major trading platforms, seeking illegitimate gains through illegal means. Not only do they brazenly conduct irregular operations on these platforms, but they also boast about their exploits within their group. This shameless attitude reveals their arrogance and complete disrespect for market order.





The notorious activities of "Gold Player" have left clear traces across various platforms. Their frequent market manipulation not only harms investors' interests but also disrupts the healthy development of the market environment, troubling both investors and trading platforms alike.


Notably, "Gold Player" recently targeted an online broker regulated by the FCA, illegally profiting from pumping and successfully requesting several withdrawals of $50,000. This activity was later identified by the platform's risk control as illegal pumping, and the profits were subsequently disallowed for withdrawal.

These pumpers typically target emerging trading platforms with regulatory oversight, placing large orders or limit orders using in-house funds during low liquidity periods to drive up prices by purchasing large volumes of contracts. Simultaneously, they establish long positions in the off-market, expecting to profit by selling after the anticipated price increase.

It is understood that members of these pumping groups closely coordinate, with clear division of labor, even using red flags to signal trading room accounts to open or close positions. They exploit loopholes in both on-market and off-market spaces during quiet periods to manipulate prices of gold, oil, and currencies, quickly amassing huge profits. Their actions are far from impulsive; they are the result of careful planning and long-term accumulation, fully displaying their illicit methods.

What is "Pumping"?

"Pumping," also known as fluffing, is a behavior in the financial markets usually aimed at manipulating prices for profit. This involves operations both within and outside the market, driving or pushing prices to realize gains.

In the financial markets, especially in the forex market, there are professional manipulators or speculators who exploit market loopholes and specific situations, like buying or selling a fixed amount of assets in the futures market to influence market price trends, then profiting in the off-market. This behavior is called "pumping" or "fluffing," where "market" refers to the price.

Specifically, the goal of "pumping" is to influence prices through trades in and out of the market, thus gaining arbitrage profits. The usual modus operandi involves placing orders or limit orders in the on-market (match-making market) to push or lower prices. At the same time, corresponding positions are laid out in the off-market (market maker market) to profit from price movements. Once on-market operations impact price changes, off-market positions can net a spread. Then, positions in the off-market are closed to realize profits.

However, this operation is not allowed in all markets, especially in regulated and compliant markets. Moreover, pumping involves high risks and may be seen as unethical or even illegal market manipulation. Thus, everyone in the financial markets should adhere to compliance regulations and ethical standards to ensure market fairness and transparency.

The Harm of Pumping Activities to the Industry

As the financial markets continue to evolve and technology advances, some criminals start exploiting market loopholes through so-called "pumping" or "fluffing" activities to gain illegal profits. These actions not only have severe negative impacts on the financial industry but also injure the industry considerably.

Firstly, pumping activities distort market prices and supply-demand relationships. Pumping in forex and gold markets manipulates prices, leading to an imbalance between market prices and actual supply and demand. Normal supply-demand relationships and fundamental analysis no longer apply, making it difficult for investors to make accurate trading decisions.

Secondly, these illegal activities weaken market transparency and confidence. The emergence of pumping activities causes loss of transparency in trading markets, making it tough for investors to judge the truth and reasonableness of prices. This leads to a loss of confidence among investors, possibly reducing their participation and investment.

Further, pumping increases market risks. Pumping in forex and gold markets may lead to intensified market volatility, increasing investors' risk. In an uncertain market environment, investors find it challenging to predict price trends, potentially incurring greater losses.

Lastly, pumping activities tarnish the image of fair competition in the market, damaging the market's reputation. This affects the market's attractiveness, possibly leading more investors to avoid the forex and gold markets.

The Harm of Pumping Activities to Platforms

Pumpers gain undue benefits on trading platforms by exploiting price differences or other loopholes through unfair means. Besides the negative impact on the entire industry, this behavior profoundly harms the trading platforms.

If trading platforms repeatedly tolerate or compromise with these illegal pumpers, their reputation will be greatly damaged. Investors may perceive the platform as untrustworthy, potentially leading to a significant loss of clients. Furthermore, pumpers often collaborate with certain unscrupulous media within the industry to smear the platform, thereby pressuring the platform for extortion fees.

Moreover, to prevent illegal pumping activities, trading platforms need to invest more resources in developing and implementing advanced risk monitoring technologies and security measures. This could increase the platform's operational costs, including technology development, human resources, and infrastructure investments.

Additionally, pumping activities affect the trading environment of the platform, disrupting the order of normal transactions. Traders find it difficult to access fair trading opportunities, impacting traders' trust and loyalty in the long term.

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The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


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