
January 4th Stock Market Highlights and Analysis


Let's take a look together at the stock market analysis on January 4th.

1. Index or Continued Weak Volatility; Investment Value Highlights in Outstanding Blue-chip Stocks:

Last year, both public and private funds performed poorly.

The champion among public funds was the GF Global Select Stock Fund (QDII), with a yearly return of 66.08%, while the Hua Xia Global Technology Pioneer Fund (QDII) had a return of 58.19%.

Many fund managers faced losses, leading to a wave of resignations. Some funds showed impressive performance in the first half but suffered losses in the second half.

Lessons learned include the importance of not chasing high-performing themes and stocks.

2.Impact of News:

The Federal Reserve released meeting minutes, suggesting a decrease in inflation risks, making 2024 conducive to rate cuts. However, uncertainties remain regarding the interest rate path. Despite hints of the end of rate hikes, the focus is on the timing and extent of rate cuts.

The stock market, especially the tech sector, reacted with most tech stocks experiencing declines.

Several government departments jointly issued guidelines to accelerate the construction of a national integrated computing power network under the "East Numbers, West Calculation" project. This positively impacted stocks like Zhen Shi Tong and Zhi Wei Intelligent in the rebounding sector.

Eleven departments launched a special action to upgrade signals, enhancing 4G and 5G signals. The 5G sector is expected to remain active.

ASML announced the completion of all Chinese orders, potentially leading to a rebound in semiconductor-related stocks.

During the third day of the New Year holiday, Harbin received over 3 million tourists, indicating a broader recovery in the tourism sector.

Director Wong Kar-wai's first TV series, "Blooms," showcases advanced visual aesthetics, hinting at the widespread application and development of virtual production studios (VP). Concept stocks like AoTuo Electronics and Calette have gained relevance.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): With the effective implementation of the 2024 medical insurance catalog, payment restrictions for TCM injections are further relaxed.

Additionally, ginseng, American ginseng, and lingzhi are included in the health food filing material catalog. Relevant stocks include Yisheng Pharmaceutical and Jilin Aodong.

3.Shanghai Composite Index Outlook:


The index has broken below long-term trendline support. The current rebound is still within the descending channel.

While a spring market rally is possible, patience is required. The current wave pattern indicates a C-wave downward trend.

The index may not experience significant further decline, but pre-Chinese New Year fluctuations are expected. Gradual investment is advised, with a focus on blue-chip and oversold new energy stocks.

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The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End



Investing refers to the act of allocating funds or other resources into certain assets or projects with the expectation of obtaining future returns or benefits. The primary aim of investing is usually to enhance asset value, achieve financial goals, preserve and grow value, or accomplish a specific objective.

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