AAmarketltd Overview:
AAmarketltd is a broker established in 2019, with its headquarters in London, UK. The address displayed on the AAmarketltd official website is 20-22 WENLOCK ROAD LONDON ENGLAND N1 7GU. A company with the same name as the broker can be found on the official website of the UK Companies House, but this company is currently in liquidation.

Domain Registration of AAmarketltd:
According to Whois, the domain name of AAmarketltd was registered on July 19, 2022, indicating a relatively short domain registration period.

Is AAmarketltd legit or a scam? Does AAmarketltd have any regulatory licenses?:
The AAmarketltd official website does not disclose any valid regulatory information. Upon verification, the broker currently has no effective regulation. Please be aware of the risks!
Employees of AAmarketltd:
After verification, no information about the corporate staff of the broker was found by Traderknows.

Trading Software Provided by AAmarketltd:
The AAmarketltd official website claims to offer a variety of trading platform options to users. However, the AAmarketltd official website does not provide any download links for trading platforms, which involves false advertising.

Online Reputation and Client Complaints:
Traderknows found on a platform providing information about Forex brokers that AA Market Ltd currently has no valid regulatory license and is marked as having high-risk potential. Traderknows advises investors to exercise caution before cooperating with AAmarketltd.

Trading Products Provided by AAmarketltd:
The AAmarketltd official website does not list trade qualities in detail, but it is known from the website information that AAmarketltd offers trading products and services in stocks, bonds, and cryptocurrencies.

Contact Information:
The AAmarketltd official website indicates that investors can contact the company via phone, email, and physical office address, but the AAmarketltd official website does not provide a phone number. This behavior again involves false advertising.
AAmarketltd is marked as a "Ponzi Scheme" on Traderknows. AAmarketltd lacks limited regulatory information and is currently in liquidation. Moreover, AAmarketltd does not provide an effective trading platform, which involves false advertising. Also, there is no information about deposits and withdrawals on the official website, and investors' funds are not guaranteed. AAmarketltd is a typical fund plate, essentially defrauding investors of their property. Traderknows advises investors to choose brokers with valid regulation and a good reputation when selecting a brokers. Do not be confused by high returns to avoid unnecessary financial losses.