
FxPro Weekly Video: The Fed's Rate Cut and the Energy Market


This week's FxPro video: Fed Rate Cut & Energy Market Join guest Lu Xiaonan for a two-part April 2024 market overview. This first episode covers the Fed's rate cut and trends in the energy market. Scan to watch.

FxPro This Week's Video: Federal Reserve Rate Cuts and the Energy Market

FxPro's special guest, Lu Xiaonan's recorded market observation for mid-April 2024 will be broadcast in two parts, with this issue being the first installment. It primarily discusses the Federal Reserve's rate cuts and the energy market. Scan the code to watch.


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The End


U.S. Dollar Index

The calculation of the US Dollar Index typically takes into account factors such as trade volumes and foreign exchange reserves between the United States and other countries, primarily including major currencies such as the euro, yen, pound sterling, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona, and Swiss franc.


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