
What is the Beijing Stock Exchange? How to list on the Beijing Stock Exchange and its trading rules


The Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE), established in 1990 and headquartered in Beijing, is a national securities exchange in China. It is a key financial market, offering trading and settlement services for securities such as stocks, bonds, and funds.

What is the Beijing Stock Exchange?

The Beijing Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the BSE) is a national stock exchange in China, established in 1990 and headquartered in Beijing. As one of China's significant financial markets, the BSE offers trading and settlement services for a variety of securities, including stocks, bonds, and funds. It plays a crucial part in China's securities market alongside the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, constituting China’s main stock trading markets. The BSE plays a role in facilitating corporate financing and investor trading, providing a compliant, fair, and transparent trading platform for companies and investors.

Services Provided by the Beijing Stock Exchange

As a securities trading market in China, the Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) offers the following services:

  • Trading services: The BSE provides trading services for a variety of securities such as stocks, bonds, and funds, enabling investors to buy and sell securities through it.
  • Information disclosure services: The BSE requires listed companies to periodically disclose financial reports, performance information, and significant matters according to regulations, ensuring that investors can timely access relevant information.
  • Listing services: The BSE offers listing services for companies that meet the criteria, including reviewing listing applications, planning listings, and guiding the listing process.
  • Clearing and settlement services: Through establishing a central settlement company and a fund clearing company, the BSE provides clearing and settlement services for securities transactions, ensuring the safety and smooth operation of trades.
  • Information services: The BSE offers information services that include market quotes, company information, and trading data, helping investors understand market situations and relevant company conditions.
  • Regulatory services: The BSE regulates market participants and listed companies to maintain market fairness, justice, and stability.
  • Training services: The BSE conducts training activities, offering services related to securities market and investment knowledge, aiming to help investors improve their investment skills.

It is important to note that the specific scope and content of services may adjust and update according to regulatory policies and market demand. Investors and market participants can obtain more detailed service information through the BSE’s official website, consultation agencies, and securities brokers.

Listing Conditions of the Beijing Stock Exchange

The listing conditions of the Beijing Stock Exchange include the following aspects:

  1. Company qualifications: The company must be legally established and possess independent legal entity status, conforming to the form and organizational structure requirements set by Chinese laws, regulations, and securities regulations.
  2. Profitability conditions: The company should have strong profitability, achieving profits for two consecutive years, and the net profit of the most recent year meets a specific scale.
  3. Asset conditions: The company should possess assets of a certain scale, meeting specific requirements for total assets and net assets.
  4. Equity structure conditions: The company's equity structure must comply with laws, regulations, and the requirements of the stock exchange without severely affecting fair market trading.
  5. Corporate governance conditions: The company must have sound corporate governance structures, including the setting and operation of the board of directors and the supervisory board, and the standardization of information disclosure.
  6. Company behavior conditions: The company must adhere to laws, regulations, and the provisions of the stock exchange, without significant violations.

Moreover, specific listing conditions may vary according to different markets, sectors, and business types. The BSE will stipulate and adjust the listing conditions based on actual situations and regulatory requirements. If a company meets the listing conditions of the BSE and is approved upon review, it can be listed for trading on this exchange.

Trading Rules of the Beijing Stock Exchange

The trading rules of the Beijing Stock Exchange mainly include the following aspects:

  • Trading hours: The trading hours of the BSE are divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon. The morning trading session is from 9:15 to 11:30, and the afternoon session is from 13:00 to 15:00. Trading is available every trading day except the days off specified by the trading calendar.
  • Trading methods: The BSE adopts a centralized competitive bidding trading method, with transaction prices determined by the quotations and transaction volumes of buyers and sellers. Trading participants can trade through securities companies or other legal channels.
  • Trading varieties: The BSE can trade stocks, bonds, funds, and other financial products. The specific tradable varieties are adjusted according to the rules of the exchange and market demand.
  • Trading system: The BSE employs a T+1 trading system, meaning securities bought on the current day are settled on the next trading day. The exchange has established trading rules such as price limits, auction matching, and trading restrictions to maintain market order and fair trading.
  • Trading rules: The BSE has formulated a series of trading rules, including securities exchange rules, trading detailed rules, and market rules, to regulate trading behaviors, maintain market order, and protect investors' interests.

It is important to note that the trading rules of the Beijing Stock Exchange may adjust and update according to market conditions and regulatory requirements. Investors should thoroughly understand and comply with the exchange's rules and regulations before trading to ensure legal and compliant participation in trading activities.

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The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


Beijing Stock Exchange(BSE)

The Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) is China's first corporate securities exchange established with the approval of the State Council, under the supervision and regulation of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

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