
Market Insights: April 25th, 2024


Stock market trends and individual stock movements; Biden signs a bill related to TikTok, and TikTok expresses intent to fight back through legal means.

Stock Market Trends:

  • The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets opened lower on Thursday, followed by fluctuating movements, but then a trend of reduced-volume increase emerged. Among them, the Shenzhen Component Index was the most prominent performer, with an increase of 0.41%, leading the market. The ChiNext Index also showed an upward trend, with an increase of 0.33%.
  • Some funds have already started to enter holiday mode, leading to a noticeable rebound in oversold sectors including lithium batteries, real estate, and pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the chemical sector showed strong performance, with significant gains in certain stocks.

Individual Stock Performance:

  • In terms of individual stocks, chemical, pharmaceutical, and solid-state battery concept stocks were active. In the chemical sector, titanium dioxide led the gains, with companies like Lubei Chemical, Annada, and Jinpu Titanium hitting the upper limit. Pharmaceutical stocks also performed well, led by the weight loss drug sector, with companies like Kangmei Pharmaceutical hitting the upper limit.
  • At the same time, solid-state battery concept stocks received attention with significant rallies, while military information technology concept stocks underwent adjustments, with some stocks declining.

International Financial Markets:

  • In international markets, the MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell by 1%, Japan's Nikkei 225 Index declined by 1.8%, the TOPIX Index by 1.4%, and South Korea's Kospi Composite Index also fell by 1.12%. Markets in Australia and New Zealand were closed for a public holiday.
  • The Bank of Japan is about to hold a monetary policy meeting, with investors closely watching whether measures will be taken to address the weakening yen.

Corporate Earnings and Performance:

  • Meta raised its capital expenditure guidance for the year in its first-quarter earnings report, mainly due to accelerating infrastructure investments to support its artificial intelligence roadmap. They significantly increased this year's capital expenditure forecast from the previous range of $30 billion to $37 billion to $35 billion to $40 billion and expect capital expenditures to further increase next year.

International Politics and Law:

  • US President Biden recently signed a comprehensive foreign aid bill worth $95 billion, which includes a provision requiring ByteDance to divest its social application TikTok's operations in the US. According to the bill, ByteDance has about nine months to complete this divestiture process, or it will face a nationwide ban in the United States. In response, TikTok has stated that they will take legal action to fight back.

Public Account 2

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The End


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