
Market Insights: Mar 15th, 2024


The A-share market opened low and continued to decline today, with the Growth Enterprise Market index leading the fall.

Stock Market Dynamics:

  • The A-share market opened low and moved lower today, with the Growth Enterprise Market leading the decline. By midday, the Shanghai Composite was down 0.18%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell by 0.68%, and the Growth Enterprise Index dropped by 1.59%.
  • Automotive dismantling concepts, environmental protection, industrial metals, and bank indices showed strength, but CRO themes, coal, real estate, and computing power concept stocks were sluggish.
  • Stocks on the Beijing Stock Exchange performed notably well, with nearly a full-line increase in the morning. The BEI 50 Index rose by 3.56%, marking the largest intraday increase since March this year. Many A-share companies disclosed their annual reports last night, and several companies with growth in performance saw their stock prices rise this morning.
  • During the US stock market session, the Chinese concept stock index fell nearly 3%, with Bilibili down nearly 7%, XPeng Motors down over 6%, and NIO down nearly 6%. The offshore yuan fell more than a hundred points during the session, breaking below 7.20.

Economic and Financial:

  • The People's Bank of China conducted a 387 billion yuan one-year MLF operation at an interest rate of 2.5%, with the March MLF rate unchanged. Today, 481 billion yuan of one-year MLF matured, making the March MLF operation a net withdrawal, the first since November 2022.
  • Foxconn's AI chip module revenue doubled in 2023, with the AI server business expected to grow by more than 40% this year.
  • Nomura economists predict the Federal Reserve will make two 25 basis point rate cuts this year, one in July and one in December.

Commodity Market:

  • Brent crude reached a four-month high, with WTI closing above $80 for the first time in four months. Copper fell from an 11-month high, while tin reached a new seven-month high. Bitcoin's price surged past $73,700, setting a new historical high, before plunging $5,000, dragging down related concept stocks.

Financial Analysis:

  • CITIC Securities believes that the current round of gold market dynamics may be approaching a high point, while Deutsche Bank indicates that the two major "momentum indicators" for gold may have peaked. Institutions are optimistic about the upward trend of copper prices led by the transition from de-stocking to re-stocking.

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The End


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