
X METAVERSE PRO Review: High Risk (Suspected Fraud)


X METAVERSE PRO is a forex platform from China. This article comprehensively reviews its regulatory licenses, trades, software, security, deposit/withdrawal methods, and leverage ratios.

Introduction to X METAVERSE PRO:

X METAVERSE PRO is a forex broker founded in China by Jordan Daniels, Hugo Basset, and Charles Harris. The headquarters address is not disclosed. The broker primarily offers trading services for products such as forex, precious metals, ETFs, commodities, indices, and more. According to Whois information, its official domain was registered on July 10, 2022. The registered entity is X META EXCHANGE LTD, with the associated company being X META EXCHANGE PTY LTD.


Is X METAVERSE PRO compliant and legal? Does it hold the necessary financial regulatory licenses?

X METAVERSE PRO claims on its official website that the company is regulated by the NFA, with regulatory number 0545140. However, upon checking the NFA official website, it was found that X METAVERSE PRO is not an NFA member and not regulated by NFA. X METAVERSE PRO also claims to be regulated by the Bank of Lithuania (LBE), but no relevant information could be found.

X METAVERSE PRO is also regulated by the MSB, with regulatory number 31000205412764. TraderKnows verified this registration number on the official website of Finecn MSB in the U.S., but it should be noted that FINECN MSB (U.S. MSB) is an organization supervising anti-money laundering. It does not provide any regulatory oversight for X METAVERSE PRO's forex margin trading activities.

In summary, X METAVERSE PRO is not regulated by any regulatory authority, and investors are advised to exercise caution when considering the services provided by this broker.


美国Finecn MSB查询结果

美国Finecn MSB的任务

Products offered by X METAVERSE PRO:

According to the information on the X METAVERSE PRO official website, the broker offers financial products including forex, precious metals, ETFs, commodities, and indices.


Trading software:

The information and functionality of the trading platform provided by this broker are unclear, potentially posing security risks. Investors should exercise caution when choosing the services of this broker.

Fund security:

X METAVERSE PRO has not disclosed any third-party fund supervision information on its official website, and the security of user funds cannot be guaranteed.

Deposit and withdrawal channels:

X METAVERSE PRO has not disclosed any information regarding user deposit and withdrawal channels, making it unclear how users can make deposits and withdrawals.

Leverage ratio:

This broker has not disclosed its leverage ratio. Compliant brokers clearly disclose leverage ratios on their official websites or trading platforms for investors to make informed trading decisions.


X METAVERSE PRO is a forex broker conducting illegal financial business by using false regulatory information. The broker has not disclosed critical information about user fund security and deposit and withdrawal channels. TraderKnows warns you that X METAVERSE PRO is a high-risk forex broker, and it is advisable to stay away from this platform to avoid personal financial losses.

Currently, X METAVERSE PRO is listed as "Suspected Fraud" on TraderKnows.



Risk Warning and Disclaimer

The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


Pig Butchering Scam

The 'Pig Butchering Scam' is a type of financial fraud that originated in Southeast Asia, but has now become prevalent globally. The name stems from the scammers' method of dealing with their victims: similar to raising pigs, they first 'fatten' them by building trust, and then 'slaughter' them by swindling away all their money.


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TraderKnows is a financial media platform, with information displayed coming from public networks or uploaded by users. TraderKnows does not endorse any trading platform or variety. We bear no responsibility for any trading disputes or losses arising from the use of this information. Please be aware that displayed information may be delayed, and users should independently verify it to ensure its accuracy.


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