
Tiktoker Xiao Yang criticized Song Yufei for treating fans like piglets.


After the explosion of short videos, a large number of new internet hosts have emerged online, and conflicts among them also frequently erupt.

Short videos have become increasingly popular in recent years, with a surge of newcomers on various platforms, including many finance bloggers. It's often said that competitors are natural enemies, not just because they compete for business, but also because they know each other's secrets and problems well. Recently, the finance community has experienced a significant shake-up.

In the early hours of February 24, 2024, the well-known comedic finance blogger "The Money-Loving Lamb" released a video calling out another famous finance blogger, "Song Yufei", vehemently criticizing him for selling his WeChat account to malicious individuals. The Lamb also mentioned that Song had promoted a fraudulent investment scheme ("pig butchering" scam) on his account in April 2023, having already condemned him in a video at that time. Surprisingly, instead of showing restraint, Song escalated his behavior by outright selling the account to ill-intentioned people, essentially "selling out his followers." The Lamb ended the video with an outraged demand: "Can someone please arrest him?!"

First day 1

First day 2

On February 25th, The Lamb released another video, stating that the selling of WeChat accounts and recommending fraudulent investment schemes had become an industry. When performance was good, finance bloggers would take on advertisements promoting these scams and sell courses or adverts. Then, when the market turned bad, they would sell off their accounts and start anew. The Lamb furiously accused them of "profiting from people's misery" and treating their followers like pigs to be sold, finally asking indignantly, "Do you even deserve to be called human?"

Second day

Though the second video did not name and shame as the first one did, followers of the finance community quickly associated the content with Xiao Meng. Their deduction was confirmed by The Lamb's acknowledgment in the comments section, indicating that Xiao Meng was indeed the topic of discussion. In that evening's live broadcast, The Lamb went further, declaring intentions to "take on four individuals, a one-against-four scenario," specifically targeting: "Boniu, Xiao Meng, Xiao Yang Must Get Rich, and Song Yufei," and mentioned that evidence against several others was being gathered.

Second day 2

The revelations caused a massive stir, with many angry viewers converging on the finance bloggers who had sold their accounts, initiating spontaneous searches and exposés of similar cases. The Lamb humorously remarked that the fans had taken action before he even had a chance to fully engage, and noted that Xiao Yang Must Get Rich, Boniu, and Xiao Meng were not his primary focus, which remained firmly on Song Yufei.
Regarding Song Yufei, The Lamb commented: "This man is clever, but too clever for his own good." The Lamb even unearthed last year's shady dealings between Song Yufei and brokers discussing promotions, sharing how Song had gathered dozens of collaborating brokers in a single WeChat group to discuss collaborations, leading one broker to publicly vent in the group that it felt like a dating show selection process. Advertisers who had paid for promotions saw little to no return on investment and were nearly driven to despair.

Despite "The Money-Loving Lamb's" accusations and attacks, the four individuals called out have not responded so far. Xiao Meng, Boniu, and Xiao Yang Must Get Rich opted to pause updates and close their comment sections. Although Song Yufei did not close his comment section, he stopped posting updates after February 23rd, and there has been no further response, even to a video distancing himself from "Brave Iron Bull" and issuing a legal notice, which has not been removed.

Besides The Lamb and Song Yufei, another finance blogger has come forward to reveal insider information, "Captain Bully." He claimed the going rate for selling WeChat accounts was much higher than the rumored 5-10 yuan per follower, reaching up to 50 yuan per follower. Thus, the account Song Yufei sold, with its 20,000+ followers, was priced at no less than one million yuan.
However, Captain Bully was not particularly interested in Song Yufei, who has chosen to stay silent. Bully focused instead on "Sheep Hunter," boasting about having exposed him months ago. After initially retreating from the internet, Sheep Hunter had quietly returned, mistakenly assuming Bully would no longer pursue him. But Captain Bully remained vigilant and quickly exposed him again.

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In Captain Bully's video comments, it was clear that viewers were less interested in Sheep Hunter and more in the finance bloggers who had sold their accounts. Aside from the aforementioned four, others like "Little Green Veggie, Genius Auntie, and Nut Brother" were also mentioned. They were accused of deceiving followers with edited photographs to simulate stock purchases, without actually buying stocks or investing themselves. Instead, they were simply attracting viewers to create and eventually sell WeChat accounts following this pattern.

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Currently, none of the accused has responded to these allegations, all choosing to halt updates and remain silent instead. The subsequent development of this situation remains to be seen. For now, investors are advised to be cautious in choosing investment channels and not to conflate admiration for a host with the reliability of investment advice. A captivating host does not necessarily equate to a trustworthy investment channel.

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The End



A dividend is a cash payment or stock distribution by a listed company to its shareholders, representing a portion of its profits.

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