
Zhao Changpeng's trial has been postponed to the end of April.


In November last year, after Binance and Changpeng Zhao admitted guilt and accepted punishment, the trial concerning Changpeng Zhao personally has not been carried out, and recently it has been further postponed to the end of April.

After pleading guilty in November last year, Zhao Changpeng's bail was set at a whopping 175 million US dollars. To return to the United Arab Emirates, where he has always lived, he had to pay a bail of 15 million US dollars, including, to leave the United States. In December 2023, after a federal court in the United States reviewed the bail order, his bail eligibility was canceled. He was prohibited from leaving the country and had to stay in the United States until the trial was completed on February 23, 2024.

However, plans do not always go as expected. On February 12, 2024, the US court announced that the trial of Zhao Changpeng would be postponed to April 30, meaning he would have to stay in the United States for an even longer period.

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