Sirix / TradingWeb multi-asset trading platform
Product Amount$3000

Sirix / TradingWeb multi-asset trading platform



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Leverate Sirix / TradingWeb Trading Platform


The Sirix / TradingWeb trading system is a proprietary cross-platform, multi-asset trading system developed by Leverate, featuring advanced charting tools, a trading engine, and an open API.

Sirix supports over 3000+ trading assets, including but not limited to forex, cryptocurrencies, global stocks, futures, commodities, indices, and US Treasuries;

Cross-platform, cross-device is Sirix’s biggest system feature, allowing traders to access the global trading market at any time and from any location, using any smart device with internet capabilities;

Front-end system:

Sirix Station Desktop App

Sirix WebTrader Web-based Trading System

Sirix Responsive Mobile App

Full-Platform PWA Application

Back-end system:

Sirix Broker Backend Administration System

LxFeed Data Feed Quotation System, including 3000+ trading assets

CloudFront DDoS-Protected Server Hosting

LxRisk Risk Management Bridge (applicable only for A BOOK)

LxCapital Liquidity Aggregation (applicable only for A BOOK)

API Interface

Demo Environment:


Environment: Sirix

Username: 6214560

Password: Password123456

*You can preview the mobile app by resizing your browser on a computer or simply visit using your mobile phone;

*This version is intended for development purposes and may add/remove new beta features, apologies for any inconvenience caused;

*For backend management system, API interface, mobile app, and electronic manuals, please contact us to obtain;



Risk Warning and Disclaimer

The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

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