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Chinatimes.net.cn is a central-level, comprehensive mainstream media sponsored and managed by the China Disabled Persons' Federation. Since its establishment, China Times Net has focused on humanitarian charity, distinguishing itself with public welfare and financial reporting, covering areas such as politics, livelihood, and wealth trends. It is distributed nationwide and has become one of the bestselling publications issued by China Post.

Corporate Background

Chinatimes.net.cn is operated by the China Times Newspaper, headquartered at Floor 8, No. 6A Taiping Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, with a unified social credit code of 12100000400005337T. The team, led by Feng Huijun, is committed to providing high-quality financial news and in-depth analysis.

China Times Net Registration Information

Whois Lookup

According to the Whois query results, the official domain of Chinatimes.net.cn was registered on March 14, 2018.

China Times Net Whois Domain Year Data

Corporate Development History

In 2007, Chinatimes.net.cn transitioned from a city newspaper focused on the Beijing market to a comprehensive mainstream national newspaper. The company adheres to promoting humanitarian spirit and follows the philosophy of "thought creates value, spirit gathers strength." Centered on the mission of "humanitarianism, public welfare, livelihood," the company aims to be a trusted source of information and ideas for investors, managers, and operators.

Company Vision

Chinatimes.net.cn is committed to promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the Chinese economy with the philosophy of "thought creates value, spirit gathers strength." The company's goal is to help users make informed investment decisions and enhance public awareness of social welfare through timely and accurate financial information.

China Times Net Official Website

Platform and Influence

As a professional financial media platform, Chinatimes.net.cn is highly recognized and influential in the industry. The company leverages the big data and large think tank resources of the China Times Newspaper, integrates influential experts in the industry, and hosts various brand events, such as the China Institutional Investor Annual Conference, China Public Welfare Forum, China Dual Carbon Energy Development Forum, China Health Industry Forum, China Insurance Technology Summit, and Regional Economic Forum, all of which have been well received by clients and the industry.

Products and Services

Chinatimes.net.cn offers the following services:

  • Financial News: The latest financial updates globally and in China.
  • Market Analysis: In-depth analysis and forecasts of markets such as stocks, bonds, and futures.
  • Special Reports: Detailed reports covering hot events and industry trends.
  • Expert Commentary: Analysis and comments on key financial events by industry experts.
  • Data Services: Providing market data and analysis reports to help users understand market trends.

Featured Content

Chinatimes.net.cn not only focuses on financial news but also covers social welfare and livelihood. The company has organized numerous public welfare activities and reported on many charitable projects, striving to enhance public awareness of social welfare.

New Media Matrix

Chinatimes.net.cn has formed a new media matrix with the website as the core, supported by WeChat official accounts and Weibo, and radiating through nearly 20 platforms like Toutiao, People's Daily, Xinhua News, Sina Kankan, NetEase, Baidu Baijia, Tencent Penguin, Eastmoney, Sohu, and Tongshun. The company tracks news in real-time every day, publishing reports promptly, with a focus on news investigations, charity life, public welfare finance, macroeconomics, capital investment, securities market, financial management, industry news, real estate, automotive business, commentary, and cultural life.


With its high-quality content and professional services, Chinatimes.net.cn has established a good reputation in the industry, becoming an emerging, specialized mainstream financial news website. Currently, Chinatimes.net.cn is labeled as "Operating Normally" on Traderkonws.

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FAQ About Chinatimes.net.cn


What is Chinatimes.net.cn's official website?

A: Chinatimes.net.cn's official website is https://www.chinatimes.net.cn/


Is Chinatimes.net.cn a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: Chinatimes.net.cn is currently marked as Active on TraderKnows.


What is Chinatimes.net.cn?

A: Chinatimes.net.cn is a Multi-Asset, Media company.

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