ORSFX is a foreign exchange broker founded in Australia, mainly providing investors with foreign exchange, metals, commodities, stocks, indices trading services, the company's official website only supports English as the language of use. In addition, the ORSFX official website account registration page also supports English as the language of use.
Company background:
The ORSFX website does not provide registration information. The ORSFX website shows that its office contact address is in Australia, but the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website does not find any registration information related to the company. In addition, according to the Whois query of the website domain name registration information shows that the company's official website domain name registration on April 19, 2023, the domain name registration time is not more than 1 year ago.

Account Registration:
ORSFX official website information shows that the company provides investors with real account, demo account registration links. The way to register a real account is: Click "OPEN ACCOUNT" in the upper right corner of ORSFX official website to enter the Account registration page, select "Real Account" and select or fill in the information such as name, password, Email, country, telephone number, date of birth, account type, margin (leverage) ratio, etc., to complete the registration of the real account. To register a Demo Account, click "OPEN ACCOUNT" at the upper right corner of the ORSFX official website to enter the account registration page, select "Demo Account" and then select or fill in the information such as name, Email, country, phone number, and date of birth as required to complete the registration of the demo account. In addition, the ORSFX account registration page only supports English as the language of use.

Account Type:
According to ORSFX's official website, the company offers investors four types of trading accounts: STANDARD, PRO ACCOUNT, RAW SPREAD and ZERO ACCOUNT. In addition, the ORSFX website also provides the differences between these four accounts in terms of spreads, minimum deposits, commissions, etc.

Trading Products:
ORSFX website information shows that the company provides investors with foreign exchange, metals, commodities, stocks, indices trading services. In addition, the ORSFX website also provides specific trading products covered by forex, metals, commodities, stocks, indices, as well as spreads for specific trading products. However, the official website of ORSFX does not provide information such as commission, minimum trading unit, maximum trading unit, and overnight interest for specific trading products.

Margin ratio:
ORSFX not only shows the maximum margin (leverage) ratio of different account types in the "Account type" on the official website, but also shows the maximum margin (leverage) ratio of different assets in the "trading products".

Trading Hours:
Although the ORSFX website shows the trading hours of major global financial markets, the ORSFX website does not provide information on the trading hours of specific trading products covered by foreign exchange, metals, commodities, stocks and indices.

Deposits and Withdrawals:
ORSFX official website information shows that the company provides investors with VISA, Mastercard, PayPal, Skrill, Perfect Money, Neteller and other deposit and withdrawal channels and methods. In addition, the official website of ORSFX also provides information about the currencies supported by different deposit and withdrawal channels, as well as deposit and withdrawal fees and time.

Trading Software:
According to ORSFX's official website, the company offers investors ORSFX Trading Platforms, which are available on PC (Winodws/MacOS), Web and mobile (IOS/Android). However, the Android version of ORSFX Trading Platforms software can not be downloaded or installed in some countries or regions, the download and installation speed is slow.

Other services:
According to ORSFX's website, the company provides investors with copy trading and education services. Among them, copy trading allows investors to use or copy the trading strategies or trading methods of others. The education includes online trading courses, educational videos, daily trading ideas and webinars.

Regulatory information:
The ORSFX website does not provide regulatory or licensing information it has obtained. ORSFX's website shows that the website of the office's local regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), did not find any regulatory or licensing information relating to the company.

ORSFX is suspected of fraud. On the one hand, the ORSFX website does not provide registration information, and the ORSFX website shows that its office contact address is in Australia, but the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website does not find any registration information related to the company. On the other hand, the ORSFX website shows that the website of the office's local regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), has not queried any regulatory or authorisation information relating to the company. Judging from this, ORSFX is suspected of fraud, and investors should be careful to choose the services provided by the company. TraderKnows reminds you, please pay attention to your property safety, to avoid falling into the fraud trap.