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Fxbaogao.com is a financial media company founded in 2018, with its headquarters located in Jiangsu, China. The company's brand name is "Discovery Report," and its platform comprehensively covers macro strategies, industry analysis, company research, financial reports, prospectuses, customized reports, and more. It aims to provide professional services for information acquisition and integration for financial practitioners, investors, market operators, and more.

Company Background

Fxbaogao.com was established on January 30, 2018, and its corporate entity is Suzhou Hufangde Information Technology Co., Ltd., with Wei Fei serving as the corporate director. The registered office is located in Suzhou Industrial Park, with the unified social credit code as 9151010567716295X6.

Discovery Report Registration Information

Whois Inquiry

According to Whois inquiry, the official domain name of Fxbaogao.com's financial website was registered on July 10, 2018.

Discovery Report whois.com Domain Age Data

Company Vision

Fxbaogao.com's vision is to become an authoritative media in the financial field, providing readers with accurate, timely, and comprehensive financial information and professional analysis.

Content Coverage

The content provided by the Fxbaogao.com platform covers multiple aspects, including but not limited to:

  • Macro strategy: Focusing on macroeconomic trends, policy interpretation, etc.;
  • Industry analysis: In-depth study of industry development trends, market competition patterns, etc.;
  • Company research: In-depth research and analysis of listed and potential listed companies;
  • Financial reports: Interpretation of corporate financial statements, evaluation of business conditions;
  • Prospectuses: Analysis of prospectuses from new public companies, evaluation of their potential investment value;
  • Customized reports: Providing personalized, customized research reports according to client needs.

Technology and Product Experience

Leveraging cutting-edge technology, the Fxbaogao.com platform offers a convenient product experience. Users can easily access a wealth of financial information through the platform and make rational judgments about market trends and investment opportunities through professional analysis reports.

Discovery Report Official Website

Service Audience

The primary audience of the Fxbaogao.com platform includes financial practitioners, investors, market operators, etc., aiming to provide them with comprehensive, timely, and accurate financial information support to help them make investment decisions and operate in the market.

Features and Advantages

The features and advantages of the Fxbaogao.com platform include:

  • Comprehensive coverage of professional research report content across multiple fields;
  • Cutting-edge technology support and convenient product experience;
  • Personalized customization services to meet the diverse needs of users.


In conclusion, Fxbaogao.com is a media company dedicated to providing financial information services. Although it has not been established for a long time, it has already achieved certain accomplishments in the field of financial market reporting and analysis. Currently, Fxbaogao.com is marked as " Normal Operation " on Traderkonws.

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FAQ About Fxbaogao.com


What is Fxbaogao.com's official website?

A: Fxbaogao.com's official website is https://www.fxbaogao.com/


Is Fxbaogao.com a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: Fxbaogao.com is currently marked as Active on TraderKnows.


What is Fxbaogao.com?

A: Fxbaogao.com is a Stock, Media company.

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