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Finance.dzwww.com is a well-known domestic professional financial media online platform established in 2000. Initiated by veterans in the internet industry, it is dedicated to providing comprehensive and professional financial news services to investors. As a leading financial information service platform, Finance.dzwww.com covers 20 professional financial channels including finance, banking, securities, news, futures, foreign exchange, funds, wealth management, and investment, meeting the diverse needs of different users.

Corporate Background

Finance.dzwww.com was established on August 18, 2008, with its company entity being Shandong Internet Media Group Co., Ltd., and its corporate director is Lin Zhongli. Its registered office is located at No. 2 Luoyuan Street, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, with the unified social credit code being 91370000679216165J.


Whois Inquiry

According to the Whois inquiry, the official website domain name of Finance.dzwww.com was registered on October 25, 2000.


Development History

Since its establishment, Finance.dzwww.com has continually expanded the scope and depth of its information services, aiming to become one of the most popular and trusted financial news websites. Through rich content and optimized user experience, Finance.dzwww.com has attracted a large number of loyal users and established partnerships with major domestic and international search engines like Baidu, Google, Sogou, 360, and Bing, significantly enhancing its visibility and influence in the field of financial media.

Platform and Influence

As a leading domestic platform for financial product opening consultation and agent promotion, Finance.dzwww.com has developed a "one-stop" interactive platform for securities, futures, foreign exchange, and spot consultation. This platform not only provides users with convenient and efficient financial product opening services but also serves as an important bridge for communication and interaction between financial institutions and investors.


Products and Services

Finance.dzwww.com offers services covering financial news, financial market analysis, investment consulting, and various financial product opening consultations. Through 20 professional channels, Finance.dzwww.com is committed to fulfilling different investors' needs for financial information acquisition and investment decision-making support.

Featured Content

"The Financial Portal Next Door" as Finance.dzwww.com's slogan, emphasizes its close-to-user, mass-service brand positioning. The richness and depth of its content, coupled with professional analysis and timely information updates, make it the chosen platform for users to access financial information.


Finance.dzwww.com, with its identity as a professional financial online media, provides comprehensive and timely financial news and professional financial services to a vast number of investors. Through partnerships with several search engines, the content coverage and visitation of Finance.dzwww.com have been significantly enhanced, making it an important force in the domestic financial information service field. Currently, Finance.dzwww.com is marked as "Operating Normally" on Traderknows.

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FAQ About Finance.dzwww.com


What is Finance.dzwww.com's official website?

A: Finance.dzwww.com's official website is http://finance.dzwww.com/


Is Finance.dzwww.com a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: Finance.dzwww.com is currently marked as Active on TraderKnows.


What is Finance.dzwww.com?

A: Finance.dzwww.com is a Stock, Media company.

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