
How to Achieve Tenfold Growth in a Year


Operations with tenfold returns in a year are unsuitable for large capital investors (over 1 million yuan). Large capital means more positions, making it hard to open and close positions as planned in day trading.

This will make it more difficult for funds to achieve the expected profit goals and also increases the risk of liquidation. In the process of rapid and significant price fluctuations, this risk is even greater.

Investors with larger funds must be aware of the liquidation risk caused by larger opening positions. Therefore, purely speculative day trading is not advisable. Trading with a smaller amount of capital, on the other hand, is less preferable than earning more profits by following the trend after accurately identifying it.

The tenfold profit plan in one year is suitable for small-capital investors, as most investors in futures operations currently have a capital of less than 1 million yuan. Therefore, unless there is a price limit-up or limit-down situation, it is rare to encounter situations where positions cannot be liquidated smoothly regardless of intraday trading activities.

Therefore, the tenfold profit plan in a year has two different techniques: One is the intraday speculation technique suitable for small-capital investors, and the other is the bullish lock arbitrage technique suitable for large-capital investors.

Actually, achieving ten times the capital in one year simply requires the investor to achieve 1% of yesterday's capital profit today. Accumulating over a year, this could turn the capital tenfold. Occasional profits are easy to make, but achieving sustained, low-error profits requires investors to reach a high level of investment technique and mentality.

Ten times in one year, without the right technique and mentality, it's impossible! Therefore, investors must continuously learn, practice in real-time, and learn through practice.

The more time spent learning, the greater the probability of achieving profit. Those who don't want to study seriously but dream of making a fortune every day cannot be the winners in the market. These investors will be ruthlessly eliminated by the market sooner or later!

To achieve a tenfold return in a year, the author believes that investors need to:

1. Spend at least three hours every day learning operation methods. Of course, other good operation methods also need to be learned, but since everyone is following the plan together, you need to first master all the operation methods. If you don't have this time to learn, the practical effect will inevitably be greatly reduced.

2. Keep the trend charts of the market items with the largest price fluctuations, and constantly review and summarize the patterns in these classic trends. This is also what the author does every day. Although the market changes every day, there must be some pattern in it. Summarizing these patterns is of great help for future operations.

3. During the learning process, don't try to learn everything. Professionals are required to master and create many operation methods, but investors don't need to do so. With just one good strategy, everyone can achieve the goal of 1% profit every day.

4. Have firm confidence in yourself. Anyone will feel excited when making a profit and will then deeply trust in their abilities. However, losses may lead to despair and even self-doubt. If you carry this sentiment, your operations will be hesitant, and this will inevitably increase the risk. Of course, it's easier said than done, and even the author does not always have such steadfast belief in self, which requires investors to learn self-regulation.

5. Patience is very important, not just in learning but also in operations. Since only a 1% profit is required each day, a lot of times operations are about waiting for the right opportunity. Without the patience to wait for this certainty, achieving 1% profit will be difficult.

6. Be less greedy. Everyone wants to make more money, and if not for making money, why would we invest? Though making money is extremely important, excessive greed is inadvisable. There are many profit opportunities every day, but only one or two belong to you. Insisting on what is not yours will not end well. Hence, not being insistent or greedy is a state of mind. Technically and mentally, operating once a day is enough if you can grasp this. If readers can achieve this, the path to a tenfold profit in a year will have fewer detours.

Those who know when to stop in the tenfold profit plan in a year will be victorious

To complete the tenfold profit plan in a year, investors also need to remember: victory belongs to those who know when to stop. The concept of "stop" has three important meanings in real operations, which are crucially significant, almost a matter of life and death. Without understanding the importance of "stop," achieving a tenfold profit is impossible.

Meaning one: Stop further profit-making. The tenfold profit in one year does not require you to make too much money every day. Therefore, whether you can control your greed after achieving your profit is extremely important. Stopping after reaching your "stop" target represents the highest state of mind.

An ancient saying goes: "Contentment brings honor, knowing when to stop avoids danger, and can last a long time." Please ponder the meaning of this carefully.

Many investors have had such experiences. After achieving the expected daily profit, feeling that operations are going smoothly, they aim for higher profits. The result often is that the earned money is lost again, or even results in losses. This is the outcome of not knowing when to "stop." But how many can truly understand the principle of stopping?

Meaning two: Timely profit-taking. Predicting that prices will rise, you go long, and the price rises suddenly, enabling you to achieve your current or even the next day's profit target. Are you able to close your long positions without hesitation, not following the technical trend?

The price rise allows you to meet your predetermined profit expectations, but the minute chart shows no signs of a downward hook. At this moment, are you willing to close positions? Because you know that if you close positions at this time, prices will definitely continue to rise, leading to a contradiction.

Not closing positions is not necessarily wrong, as your operation conforms to technical requirements. However, closing positions is also correct because you understand the importance of "stop," and you have achieved today's profit, which are all reasons for closing positions.

In this case, should investors follow the technical operation or stop in a timely manner? In my opinion, choose to stop! By stopping to take profits after achieving today's gain, such an operation will not only make you regret your decision to close positions, but it will also bring you good luck. Those who know how to stop in time after meeting profit expectations have reached a higher state.

Meaning three: Timely stop-loss. Whoever it is, making incorrect judgments during operations is inevitable, and mistakes mean punishment by the market. Who would willingly accept losses? However, this is something investors must face every day.

Some investors incur huge losses and know they failed to stop losses in time, turning minor setbacks into major ones.

Stop-loss is an important means of controlling risk. An investor who doesn't know when to stop loss is extremely immature and is bound to be eliminated by the market. Facing various dilemmas when executing stop-loss, the most common one is the price fluctuates in your originally predicted direction soon after you've just stopped loss.

This is indeed a headache. After several such operations, would you think there’s something wrong with stop-loss, or would you think of enduring a bit longer? This endurance is critical; as significant price fluctuations occur, and they are guaranteed to move against your predicted direction, turning minor setbacks into big ones.

Timely stop-loss, firmly executing stop-loss, and facing price fluctuations with a calm state of mind after stopping loss, if you can do this, major risks will never occur. What you need to consider is how to make more money, without worrying about losses, because you have the word "stop" to protect you.

Indeed, understanding and applying the threefold meaning of "stop" in battle makes you a winner! Achieving a tenfold profit in a year sounds simple, especially in the foreign exchange industry, where tenfold is normal, but implementing it is indeed challenging, though not impossible.

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The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


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