
What are bearer shares? How do they differ from registered shares that identify owners?


Bearer shares are unregistered stocks where ownership is not recorded, and transfer tracking is absent. Owners enjoy benefits like dividends by submitting documents printed on the actual share certificate.

What are Bearer Shares?

Bearer Shares refer to share certificates that are physically held by the owner, with ownership not registered or tracked through transfers. Holders of bearer shares can enjoy shareholder rights, such as dividends, by simply presenting the physical share certificate to the company. Since the ownership of bearer shares isn’t registered with any institution, transferring ownership requires only the delivery of the physical share certificate.

Characteristics of Bearer Shares:

  1. Anonymity: The ownership of bearer shares is not registered, and the identity of the holder is not publicly disclosed.
  2. Flexibility: The transfer of shares requires only the delivery of the physical share certificate, without the need for registration or recording of the transfer process.
  3. Privacy Protection: Holders of bearer shares can better protect their financial privacy as their identity is not publicly disclosed.

How Bearer Shares are Transferred

The transfer of bearer shares is completed by delivering the physical share certificate. When an owner decides to transfer their shares to someone else, they simply hand over the physical share certificate to the buyer, who becomes the new holder. There is no further registration or recording of the transfer process required.

The Difference Between Bearer and Registered Shares

The difference between bearer and registered shares lies in the registration and record-keeping of ownership. Ownership of bearer shares is not registered, and the identity of the holder is not publicly disclosed. In contrast, ownership of registered shares is both registered and recorded, with the company or relevant institutions being aware of the shareholder’s identity. Registered shares can be identified and tracked through the holder's name or shareholder account. This process of registration and record-keeping provides greater transparency and regulatory mechanisms.

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