
The Real Forex Trading Market


1. Top market makers, 2. Liquidity Providers (LP), 3. Medium and small-sized banks, 4. Brokerage foreign exchange trading platforms,

The Real Forex Trading Market

It is the largest international financial market in the world to date, with an average daily turnover of around 12.5 trillion US dollars, far exceeding the daily trading volume of the global stock markets.

The Forex market is also the fairest market, with no market makers, 24-hour trading, and leveraged operations that bring infinite possibilities. Here, as long as you have superb skills and remarkable capabilities, you can earn the money you want.

Forex market traders range from central banks of various countries to the general public. Its flexible mechanism and low entry barrier have gradually become the most mainstream investment practice worldwide.

Since the Forex market is a global trading market with non-stop price movements 24 hours a day (on business days), it has formed several important international markets, such as London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney, etc.

In such a vast market, do you know how it operates and who its participants are?

The Forex market can be divided into 5 main categories:

1. Top-tier market makers, 2. Liquidity Providers (LP), 3. Small to medium-sized banks, 4. Forex trading platforms, 5. Brokers/Retail traders

Let's look at the top tier of the Forex market: top-tier market makers

They are called "top-tier" because they truly are at the top; they can genuinely influence the market.

1. Top-Tier Market Makers

At the top of the Forex market are these top-tier market makers, whose continuous transactions among themselves are also called interbank trading.

These top-tier market makers can be divided into three main categories:

Central banks of different countries, major global banks/investment banks, and non-bank market-making institutions.

Central banks: such as the world’s top 6 central banks: the Federal Reserve, Bank of Canada, European Central Bank, Bank of England, Swiss National Bank, Bank of Japan...

Major banks/investment banks: such as JPMorgan Chase, UBS, Citibank, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Barclays, Morgan Stanley, BNP Paribas, Nomura, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Scotland...

Top-tier market makers are the main force of the Forex market, with strong capital, numerous clients, mature systems, and advanced technology. The prices of foreign exchange transactions between these top-tier market makers form the market prices of currency pairs. They are the main source of Forex liquidity, have the right to quote, and their trading volume accounts for the vast majority of the entire market. These top-tier banks and institutions have global business, strong capital, and a plethora of top talent, often ahead of the market information. Their transactions usually involve hundreds of millions, billions, or sometimes even tens of billions...

Their transactions constitute the prices of currency pairs, and prices are relayed through the interbank quoting platform (LP) — thereby connecting the world.

2. Interbank Quoting Platforms

Also known as Liquidity Providers (LP), they act as a bridge between the top-tier market makers and banks or Forex brokers below them, providing buying and selling prices and a tradable platform.

2. Interbank Quoting Platforms

Liquidity Providers (LP)

Bloomberg, EBS electronic platform, FXall (Reuters), CURRENEX


Among others, LP provides currency pair prices from top-tier market makers to small and medium-sized banks, financial institutions, hedge funds, and Forex trading platforms. The prices for our Forex transactions are given by LP. LP serves as a bridge between the Forex trading platforms and the top-tier market makers.

The most common liquidity providers include: Bloomberg, EBS electronic platform, FXall by Reuters, as well as Currenex, Hotspot, Saxo Bank, Dukascopy, and Lmax...

They play a crucial role in the Forex market, allowing small and medium-sized banks, institutional investors, and Forex trading platforms to access the real market, matchmaking, providing quotes, orders, dumping, and various clearing...

3. Small and medium-sized banks, financial institutions, and 4. Forex trading platforms

Since small and medium-sized banks and financial institutions' business does not fall within the scope of retail electronic Forex trading, this area will not be elaborated on, primarily focusing on---- 4. Retail Forex--Trading Platforms.

Forex trading platforms are part of the retail market, mainly serving retail traders, brokerage agencies, and professional trading teams.

Forex platforms are regulated, with globally authoritative platform regulation including the UK’s FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), the USA’s NFA (National Futures Association), and Australia’s ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission), in addition to Japan's Financial Services Agency and Dubai’s DFSA...

In simple terms, it includes five points: top-tier market makers, liquidity providers (LP), Forex trading platforms, brokers (trading teams), and individual traders.

For reliable Forex platforms and more Forex knowledge, please contact CWG's account manager Ahai.


Risk Warning and Disclaimer

The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


Foreign Exchange Trading

Foreign exchange trading is a financial trading activity that seeks profit through the exchange rate differences between different countries' currencies. It is characterized by globalization, high liquidity, and leveraged trading. Participants include central banks, commercial banks, investment institutions, enterprises, and individual investors. However, it also involves potential risks such as market fluctuations and leverage risks.


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TraderKnows is a financial media platform, with information displayed coming from public networks or uploaded by users. TraderKnows does not endorse any trading platform or variety. We bear no responsibility for any trading disputes or losses arising from the use of this information. Please be aware that displayed information may be delayed, and users should independently verify it to ensure its accuracy.


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