
What is a stock dividend? Here are some key aspects to understand about stock dividends.


Granting shares is when a listed company gives free issued shares to current shareholders, also called a stock dividend or bonus shares. It's a way for the company to share profits with shareholders.

What is a Bonus Issue?

A bonus issue refers to the distribution of additional shares free of charge to existing shareholders by a listed company. It is also known as stock dividend or gratis shares. This is one way for a company to share profits with its shareholders.

When a company announces a bonus issue, it distributes extra shares to its existing shareholders at a certain ratio, which means each shareholder will receive additional shares without having to pay any fees. The ratio of a bonus issue can be 1:1, 2:1, 5:1, etc., indicating that for every share a shareholder owns, a certain number of additional shares will be received.

The purpose of a bonus issue is usually to increase the number of circulating shares, lower the share price, enhance market liquidity, and convey the company's value appreciation to existing shareholders. Through a bonus issue, the company can reward its shareholders in the form of shares instead of paying dividends in cash.

It's important to note that even though shareholders receive more shares, their proportion of ownership in the company does not change. For example, if a shareholder owns 100 shares and the company performs a 1:1 bonus issue, the shareholder will receive an additional 100 shares, making a total of 200 shares owned, yet they still hold the same percentage of the company's total share capital.

Bonus issues generally do not substantively affect the rights of shareholders, but can increase the value of their stock assets, as the number of shares increases. Shareholders may choose to continue holding these additional shares or sell them at an opportune time to profit.

Types of Bonus Issues

The following are different types of bonus issues, all aimed at rewarding existing shareholders and increasing their shareholding without raising their investment cost. In this way, companies can share profits with shareholders while increasing the number of shares in circulation and market liquidity. Bonus issues can also be seen as an incentive encouraging shareholders to hold onto their company shares for the long term. Each company may have different kinds of bonus issues, and the specific plan usually gets approved at the company's general meeting. Below are several types of bonus issues:

  1. Bonus Shares: Also known as gratis shares, the company distributes additional shares free of charge to existing shareholders, proportionally increasing their shareholding. For example, if a company announces a 1:1 bonus issue, it means every shareholder will receive an additional share for free, doubling their number of shares held.
  2. Capitalization Issue: A company distributes shares to existing shareholders by converting undistributed profits or share premium to capital stock. This means profits or reserves previously undistributed are issued to shareholders in the form of shares. A capitalization issue may increase the number of issued shares of the company but does not change the shareholders' proportion of ownership.
  3. Stock Dividend: A company issues new shares as dividends to existing shareholders instead of cash. This means a portion of profits is converted into shares and distributed proportionally to shareholders. For instance, if a company announces a 10% stock dividend, it means every shareholder will receive an additional 10% of their held shares.

Common Questions about Bonus Issues

Below are some common questions and answers about bonus issues:

What is a bonus issue?

A bonus issue is the act by a listed company of distributing additional shares free of charge to existing shareholders. This means shareholders can obtain extra shares without any cost.

Why do companies choose to issue bonus shares?

Companies opt for bonus issues typically to reward shareholders and share profits. Bonus issues can increase the number of shares shareholders hold, boosting their equity in the company, while also enhancing the number of circulating shares and market liquidity.

How can I benefit from a bonus issue as a shareholder?

As a shareholder, you will receive additional shares for free, increasing the number of shares you hold. This can increase your equity in the company and potentially the value of your stock investment.

Do bonus issues have a substantive impact on shareholder rights?

Bonus issues generally do not have a substantive impact on shareholders' rights. Although the number of shares owned by shareholders increases, their relative ownership proportion does not change.

Can I choose to hold onto the additional shares after a bonus issue?

Yes, you can choose to continue holding the additional shares or sell them. The decision to keep the extra shares depends on your confidence in the company and your assessment of the future stock price trend.

Will a bonus issue affect the stock price?

Bonus issues may have a short-term impact on stock prices. The increased supply might put some pressure on the share price, but in the long term, a bonus issue does not necessarily directly affect the stock's fundamental value.

What actions do I need to take to benefit from a bonus issue?

As an existing shareholder, you do not need to take any action to benefit from a bonus issue. The company will distribute the extra shares directly to your account according to the bonus issue plan.

These common questions and their answers are intended to provide a basic understanding of bonus issues. Specific bonus issue plans and their impacts may vary by company, so investors should carefully read the relevant company announcements and disclosure documents for accurate and comprehensive information.

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The market carries risks, and investment should be cautious. This article does not constitute personal investment advice and has not taken into account individual users' specific investment goals, financial situations, or needs. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints, or conclusions in this article are suitable for their particular circumstances. Investing based on this is at one's own responsibility.

The End


Bonus Issue

A stock dividend is when a publicly traded company distributes additional shares to its existing shareholders at no extra cost. These distributed shares are known as stock dividends or bonus shares.

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