
What does Open Outcry mean? 10 common questions about Open Outcry.


Open outcry is a traditional trading method on exchange floors where traders shout bids and offers to execute transactions of stocks, commodities, or financial assets. This face-to-face model involves verbally expressing buying or selling intentions.

What is Open Outcry?

Open outcry is a trading method often used on the trading floors of exchanges, where traders execute buy and sell orders for stocks, commodities, or other financial assets by shouting out their bids. This traditional face-to-face method involves traders vocally expressing their buying or selling intentions to facilitate transactions.

In open outcry trading, traders typically gather in a specific area known as the trading pit or ring. They shout their desired buying or selling prices and quantities to attract the attention of other traders and complete trades. This method emphasizes interpersonal communication and interaction, with traders using body language and voice to convey their trading intentions.

Open outcry trading is known for its high transparency, as the shouting and communication of traders are publicly visible, allowing other traders to make informed decisions based on this information. However, with the evolution of electronic trading, more exchanges have moved towards electronic trading platforms, gradually replacing the traditional method of open outcry.

Open outcry trading still exists in certain markets and exchanges, especially in some futures markets and commodity exchanges. It is also considered a trading method with historical and sentimental value, representing a part of trading tradition. Nevertheless, as technology advances, electronic trading has become the mainstream and is gradually replacing open outcry trading.

10 Common Questions About Open Outcry

What does open outcry mean?

Open outcry is a traditional trading method where traders execute buy and sell orders in trading venues by shouting aloud.

Where is open outcry trading used?

Open outcry trading is typically used in futures markets and commodity exchanges. Famous exchanges like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) once utilized open outcry for trading.

Why do traders shout bids during trading?

Traders shout their buying or selling intentions to attract other traders’ attention and complete trades. This method emphasizes direct communication and interaction between people.

Does open outcry trading still exist?

As electronic trading platforms have developed, many exchanges have transitioned to them, gradually phasing out traditional open outcry trading. However, it continues to exist in specific markets and exchanges.

What are the advantages of open outcry trading?

Open outcry trading offers high transparency, with traders’ bids and communication being publicly visible, allowing others to make decisions based on this information. Additionally, it emphasizes direct human interaction, aiding in building interpersonal relationships and trust.

What are the disadvantages of open outcry trading?

Open outcry trading may involve slower transaction execution, human errors, and competitive disputes among traders. Moreover, due to the need for manual shouting and communication, it incurs certain trading costs.

What is the historical background of open outcry trading?

Open outcry trading has a long history as a trading method. Before the advent of electronic trading, it was the principal method, with traders using loud shouts and hand signals.

Why are more exchanges turning to electronic trading?

Electronic trading offers higher transaction execution speeds, lower trading costs, and wider market participation. With technological advances, exchanges are increasingly switching to electronic platforms to enhance trading efficiency and market liquidity.

Does open outcry trading still hold value?

Despite the shift to electronic trading in many exchanges, open outcry trading still holds historical and sentimental value. It represents a part of traditional trading practices, with some traders continuing to use this method.

What is the difference between open outcry and electronic trading?

Open outcry trading emphasizes direct human communication and face-to-face transactions, while electronic trading involves automated trading through computer networks. Open outcry offers higher transparency and interpersonal interaction, whereas electronic trading provides higher execution speeds and lower trading costs.

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The End


Open Outcry

Open outcry is a traditional method of trading, typically conducted on the floor of an exchange or trading venue.

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