
Apple Vision Pro a big failure? Primary market cold, secondary market depreciates.


Apple products have always been synonymous with "holding their value," but compared to smartphones and tablets, Apple's new product, Vision Pro, seems to have encountered significant issues.

Last year, Apple unveiled its latest head-mounted display device, Vision Pro, attracting a large number of fans eagerly awaiting its release. After its launch on February 2nd this year, there was a rush to purchase it, with Apple stores experiencing a surge of customers. However, in less than three months, the excitement for the Vision Pro quickly cooled off. Not only was it struggling to sell in retail stores, but it also experienced frequent price drops in the secondary market.

In the US market, the lack of interest in Vision Pro is quite evident, even affecting its production chain. Analysts have revealed that current shipments of Vision Pro have fallen to half of the previously anticipated 800,000 units, now ranging between 300,000 to 400,000 units. Moreover, the Vision Pro has only been released domestically in the US and has not yet launched in overseas markets, including China.

The significant reduction in shipments for the US market alone indicates a worsening situation that can no longer be concealed. This development has led investors to worry that similar scenarios might unfold in other regions. Does this situation prove that the market demand for Vision Pro is far below Apple's original estimates?

According to Apple's plans, a new generation of head-mounted display products was scheduled for release in 2025. However, the failure of Vision Pro raises doubts about whether this product has a broad future and market potential, suggesting that this planned product should be reconsidered carefully.

Aside from Apple's primary market, the secondary market is also bleak. A 1TB version of Vision Pro, with a standard price of $3,899, has already seen a price drop of nearly one-third in the secondary market, with sellers themselves admitting that the product is not worth the price.

Meanwhile, the lower-end 256GB version of Vision Pro, with a standard price of $3,499, has a transaction price on eBay of $2,600, also a nearly 30% markdown. This trial version has deterred many interested users.

What is most alarming about Vision Pro is that it is not even an old product. It has been less than three months since its release, yet it has already seen significant price reductions. The price of an entry-level product at launch could fully purchase a top-tier version three months later, causing countless investors distress. Many people purchased through installment loans, and now, even if they sell on the secondary market, they must bear a depreciation of nearly $1,000 on their own.



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The End


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