My account 88392843 has been trading on fxpro for six months, mostly profitable. However, on the morning of July 31, I suddenly couldn't access MT4. The backend showed a negative balance of over -9000, but I always held a long position in gold. The account had over 80,000 USD. I contacted online customer service and asked why my MT4 account was inactive. They sent an email to reset the password. When I checked, my account showed a balance of -9000 USD. At 23:56 MT4 time, a 50-lot palladium order was placed. I didn't even know what this commodity was! Moreover, the spread was huge, 1700 points, a price that doesn't exist in the market, which closed my 50-lot palladium position. Within ten seconds, my entire account of 80,000 USD was wiped out. During this period, I continuously emailed fxpro. They adamantly insisted that the trades were made by me. On the 30th, I did not make any trades. I can swear to it. My password has always been secure. Why would I deliberately wipe out my own money? The email mentioned that the orders were placed from IP address, a UK address. I haven't left my province this month, let alone gone to the UK! The platform stubbornly claimed I used a VPN to place the orders myself, including the gold orders on the evening of the 30th. Rebate networks have been helping me investigate the account issue. A 1700-point spread should have yielded a 40,000 USD rebate, but coincidentally, the blowout happened an hour before the close, a time during which fxpro does not award commissions according to their rules. Such a large platform acts shamelessly, ignoring customer issues. Domestic big agents or trading departments can't play and directly wipe out customers' funds.