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Kanzhiqiu.com is a financial media company founded on July 13, 2011. The company is grounded in big data and intelligent technology, dedicated to providing comprehensive market research and information services for professional institutional investors. Kanzhiqiu.com is committed to enhancing investors' utilization efficiency of unstructured information through efficient information organization and intelligent extraction, while also reducing the time cost of acquiring effective information in the era of information explosion.

Corporate Background

Kanzhiqiu.com, a subsidiary of Shanghai Chenghong Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., is led by Zhao Liang as the corporate director. The company's registered office is located at Room 402, Building 5, No. 33 Leshan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, with the Unified Social Credit Code 91310104579143456F.

Kanzhiqiu Registration Information

Whois Inquiry

Kanzhiqiu Whois.com Domain Duration Data

According to Whois data, the official domain name of Kanzhiqiu.com was registered on September 15, 2017.

Company Vision

Kanzhiqiu.com aims to use its professional information service capabilities to become the preferred platform for professional institutional investors for research report reading and financial information. Its vision is to bring value to users through technological innovation and to improve the level of information services in the entire financial industry.

Platform and Influence

Through its professional research report reading platform "Kan Yanbao," Kanzhiqiu.com solves the inconvenience of institutional users reading external reports, such as the incompleteness of public email report libraries or the inability to access internal investment research systems outside the company. Moreover, Kanzhiqiu.com has also launched a mobile app that allows users to query and read research reports at any time, and set up personalized settings for proactive push, thereby improving work efficiency.

Kanzhiqiu Official Website

Products and Services

Kanzhiqiu.com's services include but are not limited to information aggregation, report organization, event tracking, and intelligent recommendations. It utilizes Elasticsearch for enhancing the efficiency of unstructured data queries and employs intelligent algorithms to recommend content of interest to users. Additionally, Kanzhiqiu.com also offers negative public opinion search services to help investors capture potential risks in a timely manner.

Unique Content

Kanzhiqiu.com's unique content is reflected in its intelligent recommendation system, popular entity recommendations, and advanced research report subscription services. Users can easily view hotspot news, comprehensive stock panoramas, and receive advanced search results, providing a wide range of financial information services.


In summary, Kanzhiqiu.com has established a good reputation among professional investors through its innovative technology applications and efficient information services. Currently, Kanzhiqiu.com is marked as "operating normally" on Traderkonws.

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FAQ About Kanzhiqiu.com


What is Kanzhiqiu.com's official website?

A: Kanzhiqiu.com's official website is https://www.kanzhiqiu.com/user/login.htm


Is Kanzhiqiu.com a legitimate company, or is it a scam?

A: Kanzhiqiu.com is currently marked as Active on TraderKnows.


What is Kanzhiqiu.com?

A: Kanzhiqiu.com is a Stock, Media company.

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